Friday, July 27, 2012

Jewelry By Jessica Designs in a New Book from Lark Carfts

Exciting news! Three of my designs are featured in a new DIY book on making shrink plastic jewelry! The book, "Shrink! Shrank! Shrunk!: Make Stylish Shrink Plastic Jewelry" will be available in hard copy in October. (You can pre-order it here.) But if you've got a Nook eReader, you can order a copy right this second!

(Look closely and you'll see my Seven Treasures earrings there on the top right...) Kathy Sheldon compiled the artists and made the whole thing happen. She's fantastic to work with, and I'm so glad she helped finally fill this niche need in DIY-land. Other shrink plastic jewelry craft books out there - and believe me I've looked at all of them - have left quite a bit to be desired.)

Anyhoo, more to come when the hard copy is released. But you can download a free preview of the book and project instructions courtesy of Lark Crafts right here. I just did. And saw that my Laurel necklace nabbed a spot on the back cover - cool!

So bottom line, if you've got a Nook, you can get your copy of the book here. If you want a hard copy, you can pre-order here. Fun times!

1 comment:

Kathleen Sheldon said...

Thanks, Jessica. I really love both of your pieces in the book!